By Anonymous - 20/09/2018 03:00

Today, after years of telling my boyfriend I don't do anal, I agreed to try it once just to get him to stop whining about it. He was so gung-ho that he tried to force it in without doing enough "relaxing preparation" and he split the muscle around my ring. Now I need surgery. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 187
You deserved it 936

Same thing different taste

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I feel bad for you, OP, but why did you give in after so long? Doesn't he realize that no means no? He should have got the hint years ago.

Seriously, when you say, "Stop, that hurts," or "Slow down," or "I'm not ready," or anything like that, and he keeps going, that's pretty simply rape. It is traumatic bodily harm. Make DAMN sure he understands this, and that HE is the reason you need surgery.


I feel bad for you, OP, but why did you give in after so long? Doesn't he realize that no means no? He should have got the hint years ago.

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And one "you're hurting me, please stop" means "you're hurting me, please stop." If anyone ever says that to you, listen to them and believe them.

ouch that can happen?? amd he absolutely should not have pressured you like that. as my esteemed friend above says - no means no!

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thats called"HARRASSING YOU'RE LOVER" to get what you want, dumbass

Suaria 38

Coercion should not be considered legitimate consent. Asking a thousands times until someone says yes is coercion.

You raise a valid point, but there is also the argument that asking so often just wears the person down to get them to agree just to stop the other person nagging them about it. It's not about the person being coerced being tricked or even not knowing that they're being coerced, it's about whether or not the repeated asking/nagging/whatever means that the consent was obtained under pressure or not and therefore whether that means it was really given freely.

What an asshole. Pun intended but he is.

you would think after waiting all that time he would want to make sure it went well so she would want to do it he will be lucky the next time he actually gets vanilla sex

commandpriority 5

What a pain in the ass. Yes it was a pun and yes it’s legit. He is a real dick.

Seriously, when you say, "Stop, that hurts," or "Slow down," or "I'm not ready," or anything like that, and he keeps going, that's pretty simply rape. It is traumatic bodily harm. Make DAMN sure he understands this, and that HE is the reason you need surgery.

And for those who don't know: yes there can be rape within a couple. No is no.

Mathalamus 24

And that is why you don't do anal.

Let me fix that first sentence for you, "Today, after years of telling my *now ex-boyfriend* that I don't do anal".

TomeDr 24

My husband tried to talk me into it. I finally got angry and said if he wanted it so badly, I’d buy a ***** and ram it up HIS ass! Last time he ever mentioned it.