By NoBalls - 12/06/2009 00:23 - United States

Today, my car was in the shop so I borrowed my wife's VW Beetle convertible. It's really embarrassing because it's a girlie car and it's full of little stuffed animals. At a stop light a man asked me if I'd like to borrow one of his testicles because "every man should have at least one." FML
I agree, your life sucks 105 355
You deserved it 22 482

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That guy had THE BEST CALL EVER! .... you got owned, big time.

Lol, gotta appreciate the humor. :D


rihannalover 0

I second the motion about getting your wife a black Hummer. I'm a girl and I would feel super bad ass in a vehicle that gnarly.

Just tell them to screw off. You're more of a pansy for complaining about it. Not an FML.

What did you think would happen when people see you driving a girly nazi-mobile?

breedizzles 0

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH i peed a little. that sucks for you, but that's ******* hilarious.

Fuzzybunny111993 0

okay im new at this...what does PO mean? or is it OP?