By worsethanzombies - 23/11/2009 16:40 - Spain

Today, my car crashed and the only refuge was at a nearby house, the resident of which was a crazy psycho. Now replace "crazy psycho" with "crazy ex-girlfriend who won't help you unless you compose a poem about how much you love her." FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 128
You deserved it 4 875

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

Roses are red, Violets are blue, I crashed my car intentionally outside your house because I still really love you but I don't have the courage to admit it to myself and definitely not to you. Thank heaven for "free" verse.


Raggio19 0

haha thats hilarious.did you compose a poem or did you laugh and walk away?

¿Soy sólo yo o las mujeres parece que cada vez están más locas?

Major grammar fail. "The only refuge was at a nearby house, of which the inhabitant of the house was a crazy psycho." It's either "The only refuge was at a nearby house, of which the inhabitant was a crazy psycho" OR "the only refuge was at a nearby house and the inhabitant of the house was a crazy psycho", not both! Don't know if it was the OP or the Mod, but whoever it was FAILS.

YDI it because she dumped you for pulling the "replace something lame with something lamer" crap and she wouldn't be your ex otherwise.

pwnage79 0

are you retarded? that doesnt make any sense at all!


ummm so ur car just happened to break down there huh ?????


lol @ 43 it runs the lotion on it's skin

That's called quid pro quo, OP. Get a clue.

jchansfan 0

The way this story is told is just so annoying that that alone makes you deserve it. Also, I'm sure that wasn't the ONLY refuge. Walk a bit further or something, there's bound to be someone else.

SFMember 0

Ehh, your car crashed? Soo... it drove itself, and crashed....

pwnage79 0

you shoulda said "hey dumb bitch, this is starting to itch, help me up, or il get vince to beat you to death, so get off the meth, you ugly girl named beth."