By Anonymous - 30/08/2010 23:25 - United States

Today, I finally worked up the courage to play my friends the demo CD that I've spent all summer recording. I didn't tell them it was me. Not even 10 seconds into the first song, my best friend asked me to turn it off because it sucked. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 591
You deserved it 6 656

Same thing different taste

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Welcome to the real world. Maybe you can end up like Ke$ha and make money by spewing out crap.

it might not be the music it's probably just not their preference


3mi1y_ 16

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Y_U_19029 0

you never know op, maybe there not into that kind of music. But if you make it big, dnt be like Justin beiber

CoconutBread 0

I guess music isn't your strong point.

Actually #7, there are certain places that do use practise, instead of practice.


rzbt21 0

In British english, practise is a verb and practice is a noun. In American English, practice is both a noun and a verb.

I had always thought that practise was both a noun and a verb in British English. Thanks for enlightening me. :)

bigblue95 0

35 best comment. i love the video lmao

dang. don't sweat it sis. not all of us have special tallents

holygodthatshars 0

That sounds like my BFF, she would say it sucks too. She only likes things that have to do with herself. :(

iron_chefITALY 0

Not necessarily, you can get by without talent. Just look around a bit.

noseasmamon 0

lol #2 looks like he might rape Justin bieber ..

practice makes perfect , you'll get it that one day hahaha

Baby!baby!baby! Ohhhhh Now I wanna die

Welcome to the real world. Maybe you can end up like Ke$ha and make money by spewing out crap.

nena123456789194 3

awe poor girl... but at least now u know!! :)

it might not be the music it's probably just not their preference

This is what I was going to say.. I mean, I can't STAND the Beatles; music. Does that mean the members were not talented? Of course not. But if my brother puts on his Beatles CD, yeah, I'll tell him to turn that shit off.

So sorry, OP! I don't know if I would rather have an honest opinion or a nice one...But I suppose the honest opinion can be more valuable, as hard as it is to hear. :/ If singing really is your passion, then don't give up! Practice, practice, practice. I read a quote on the wrapper of a Dove chocolate that's somewhat cheesy but actually applies in this situation: "If you fall down 7 times, get up 8."

schwancy 2

Better to hear the harsh truth from your friends than to embarass yourself later on.

oshi16toofly 0

screw that honey whether singing is your passion or not if your homie said it wasn't good it probably wasn't. If your friend really cares about you they'll tell you the truth. better he/she tell you now than wait till it's to late and you make a fool of yourself.