By anti-peecleaner - 22/11/2010 22:35 - United States

Today, my boyfriend walked out of the bathroom, informed me he'd accidentally peed on the floor, and told me I could clean it up when I get a chance. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 422
You deserved it 5 216

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Disgusting, I'd dump someone that nasty. He's basically a toddler. You'll probably always be cleaning up after him...


bubbarific 0

im guessin he tried to go no hands, *sigh* not evry1 can have as good aiming as me :P

Shadow_Phantom 26

What the hell, man. That's disgusting... He should clean it up himself.

perez758 2

ydi for allowing your boyfriend to think you would actually clean up his piss. apparently this or something like it has happened before and you gave him the impression that you are a servant.

haha, tell him to eff off, if you take his shit now he'll get used to it and expect it all the time. dont be that girl who would do aaaaaaaaanything for him.

He has some serious issues with aiming his load.