By Username - 22/11/2010 22:39

Today, I admitted to my boyfriend of three years that I have been suffering from depression for a while now. He took it as a good time to dump me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 433
You deserved it 4 372

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did he dump you because of the depression? Or because he was going to anyway? The former is a douche move and be glad to be rid of him. However if it's the latter he might well be going to support you through it as a friend, I can see why he might not want to prolong the relationship for such reasons but might find other ways to support you.

your (ex) boyfriend is an asshole... find someone who will accept who you are!


monkeyshorts22 4

awww!! don't worry, he was obviously a douche anyway. :)

I'm sure ull find a nice boy in ur depressive state.. no I'm kidding.

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Every girl is "suffering from depression" it seems. Grow up.

you need to grow up there is a lot of people that have been diagnosed with depression. With your logic you are pretty much saying girls who say they have depression are lying, when many just want to get help. u suck :)

DudeImBetter 0

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Pocahontas22_fml 0

yea, that was fuc*ed up. he should have made her a romantic dinner to cheer her up before breaking up with her.

18, why should he spend money on something that he knows is already over? ending a relationship is not a punishment. he might as well get on one knee, take out a ring box then dump her.

your (ex) boyfriend is an asshole... find someone who will accept who you are!

generalasskicker 12

maybe she should try not being deppresed and before I get attacked I meant seek proffesional help for it maybe try getting some mood elevators if it's severe enough and go to a therapist and who knows maybe he's not an asshole maybe he was noticing she was deppresed and felt the lust and emotion being drained from the relationship and didn't want to be the support system with someone who had changed

There are these things called commas and periods. They are your friends. You should meet them soon.

Btw, I don't think you're going to be able to be a colledge professor if you don't know proper spelling, grammar, or know how to spell colledge.

sassypants93 17
randall_doak 4

Okay #20, and #3, think of it this way: I'm not necessarily defending him, but maybe he was planning on it in he first place, and the day she told him about this depression was the same day he was planning on breaking it off. Yeah, that's a shitty situation, but that doesn't mean he was trying to be a douche about it. Again, not defending him, but you have to look at it from both sides. It's an FML, definately, I agree 100%. By the way #72: using text language as an excuse to misspell words only works if it makes the word shorter, like it does in "txt" or "tht". Wuz, mii, and yew, just make you look retarded. Yougrammarsuxdick....

diamond28 0

Everybody changes! If you don't .. you have no experiences! Hellooo.. even the leaves change color every season! Come on..

What makes you think that she didn't have a therapist or that she wasn't on meds? Getting "proffesional" help doesn't automatically cure depression. In fact, it usually doesn't. Don't accuse this poor girl of doing nothing when you obviously have no clue about the subject.

Sootie247 12

i have depression and was in the exact same position as her, my boyfriend did not dump me but helped me from cutting and suicide and that was what she needed. not to be dumped, that would have drove me over the edge.

Pocahontas22_fml 0
Pb25797051 0

I'm pretty sure he already knew if you were together for three years.

i agree, your man was probably completely aware you were depressed, some men just can't deal with it, they don't want to feel depressed too.

cgyguy 0

no jk. i was with a depressive type and honestly I would never go through it again.

Turkey_Slab 0

Hey do you live in an igloo??? Troll lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lo

Pb25797051 0

how exactly? he was probably brought down by her depression. doesn't make him an asshole. Makes you ignorant

Quest_ 13

He still should not have broken up with her at such a vulnerable moment, it's called basic human compassion. I just think it's ****** that that's what his automatic response would be. And don't call me ignorant please.

bamagrl410 31

That sucks, OP. I recently went through the same thing myself, only mine stuck by me and held me up when I couldn't do so on my own. Just know he wasn't the one for you and you'll find someone better =)

duckie227 22

99% of guys won't do that. you found the one willing to hold you up while you put out. good job.

VinegarStrokes 0

Jeeesus Christ, Bamagrl... You are an idiot to the fullest extent of the word. I feel that I should weep for you after reading your profile information.

I find nothing wrong with her profile.

RedPillSucks 31

@37 How are you qualified to make that statement? Have you dated 99% of guys, even in your own town? Perhaps you just need to hang out with a better class of people, instead of assuming everyone is like the people you're associated with. actually were not in the same all.

Did he dump you because of the depression? Or because he was going to anyway? The former is a douche move and be glad to be rid of him. However if it's the latter he might well be going to support you through it as a friend, I can see why he might not want to prolong the relationship for such reasons but might find other ways to support you.

Agreed. I hate when a person stays with someone because they feel obligated and not because they actually love them. Or, more likely, in the case that someone expects someone to stay with them because of pity.

Agree with RBG. Staying with someone for obligation or pity is the worst. If he did it because of the depression, it's not the kindest move but it may be self-preservation. I dumped a bf who had severe mental health issues because I knew I couldn't be the help he needed and I didn't love him enough to deal with it all. Mean but the best thing I could've done for both of us. If he was going to do it anyway, it was gutsy on his part to go through with it. At least you are aware of your condition and (I'm hoping) have a support system in place. Do you want someone to stay with you when he doesn't want to? Concentrate on you, get healthier, then find someone.

When I said dumping her for being depressed was a douche move I imagined the thought going through his head was; oh feck, she's going to be no fun now! If that were the case and he dumped her without thinking it through then I think it's a douche move. If he thought it all through and decided that overall staying with her would negatively affect him and might not help her either, then yeah, I can see the reasoning and it's not so bad. And like I said, he might be more than willing to provide friendly support.