By Pissy - 23/05/2019 06:05

Today, I thought my boyfriend wanted to be romantic by pouring a bath, getting in then calling me in. As I get comfortable, he stands up and gets out. At the same time, I notice yellow water. He'd pissed in the tub for a joke. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 360
You deserved it 227

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That reminds me of one of my favorite books - “Yellow River” by I.P. Freelie


call him Donald next time he gets frisky

That reminds me of one of my favorite books - “Yellow River” by I.P. Freelie

A classic! You might also like “Race to the Outhouse” by Willie Makeit, illustrations by Betty Wont.

manb91gb 15

Jokes on him because you like that kinda thing... Maybe... I dunno?

Fickle 6

Someone needs to grow the F**k up!

Well urine is sterile and is full of urea which is a skin softener in almost all beauty products so technically he did draw you a nice bath 😁

Its a myth that its sterile, look it up

I used to work in the medical industry, barring that somebody doesn't have a blood ,kidney or bladder infection or some other serious health condition then yeah your urine is sterile

Fr8 3

lol this dude is childishb