By meohmy - 31/03/2011 01:10 - United States

Today, my boyfriend referred me to me as "just a friend" to his ex. They swapped phone numbers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 881
You deserved it 6 017

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And you just stood there and said nothing?

I would of said nope I am really an Ex.. and told him to get lost.


better to swap phone numbers than swap virginity's

Idk if you did this or not but... you should of said something the moment you heard that... and he shouldn't be exchanging numbers with his ex so yeah that's just not right

And you didn't say anything?!?! Dump his ass.

perdix 29

Friend?!?! The more appropriate term is "**** buddy."

muchagente 5

you know what? YOU are the ex.

reddwarf_fml 0

don't think he sees u as his girlfriend try again

similar thing has happened to me.. tell him to basically f@$& off an move on with your life. what a asshole.

And then you say, "No, we're not even friends now." And walk away and don't speak to him ever again.

grog_fml 3

I call bs... he swapped numbers with his ex? how did they date before if they didn't have each others numbers?