By meohmy - 31/03/2011 01:10 - United States

Today, my boyfriend referred me to me as "just a friend" to his ex. They swapped phone numbers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 881
You deserved it 6 017

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And you just stood there and said nothing?

I would of said nope I am really an Ex.. and told him to get lost.


lola_nicole 2

same happened to me. Except i was "little sister". Now he is miserable with who he has now.

heyimjennyFML 5

why didn't you say anything?? dump him or next time you two are out refer to him as "just a friend" to another boy and get him number

saturnsonic 3

That's happened to me before. Needless to say we didn't again speak thereafter. If his name is Jason...RUN FOR THE HILLS!

terrortwinz 0

that does suck, u sound way to good for him and if he does that to u, it prolly not gonna be the last

briidontgive_ 0

Most commenters got this covered, but you better have stood up for yourself and made him look like a fool. If you didn't , your just as stupid as him and ydi.

lilnayray199 0

Yu shouldnt deal with that..

Uncool_LikeYou 0

if you can take the time to spell out every other word, why can't you spell out "obviously"?