By meohmy - 31/03/2011 01:10 - United States

Today, my boyfriend referred me to me as "just a friend" to his ex. They swapped phone numbers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 885
You deserved it 6 017

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And you just stood there and said nothing?

I would of said nope I am really an Ex.. and told him to get lost.


denvan 0

That's rude he should've said a special friend FTF's

You say he's just a friend... Oh baby you...

Wouldn't the boyfriend already have ex's phone number???

mr_miyagi 0

so take his word for it at this time just having a friend cant be no crime cuz you have friends and thats a fact like agnis agatha jermaine and jack

win to all the people who started singing biz markie. I love you!

ok just do tht to 1 of ur ex and c way he does

are you sure he actually is your "boyfriend"? maybe its some kind of miscommunication

In actual fact she is really his cousin but there was a mixup at the extended family reunion. Alcohol was drink, things were said, teeth were counted and it was decided they would be partnered

lmao @ 7...that's not nice mate! but yes either miscommunication of where you two stand or you need to just do yourself the favor

chelslover 0

I would of said nope I am really an Ex.. and told him to get lost.

sourgirl101 28

Yep, I would have said the exact same thing.

gb_chrs 2

yeah, something like "nope, I'm his ex too," then exchange phone numbers as fellow exs

yup then op should of asked for the ex phone number. they are Eskimo sisters now.

You should hire a private investigator seems like a tough case to solve.

why didnt you just hold him and kiss him infront of her? thats what my girlfriend always does when she's 'jealous'...

prince122 0

dude... make her jealous all the time

dum_dum1 0

what happens when you get her really jealous?!

^ that's what I was thinking! what DOES happen!?

What a douche (if it's not a miscommunication). Maybe he "just wants a hug" (and nothing else). Ffff. If my boyfriend did that, I'd be pissed- and he'd know it.

well refer to him as your "just friend" and hit on other guys......or get drunk and eat away at your misery, filling your sadness with tacos and donuts

bobkim302 0

Well he should have said girl friend. The only reason he wouldn't is because he must still want her. Now this is my opinion if your his girlfriend then he should say that not my friend. Good luck with him.

And you didn't dump him yet? I know I would with such a ferocious kick, he'd think he was Miss Daisy from Minneappolis.