By 34_22_34 - 28/07/2010 19:27 - United States

Today, my boyfriend proposed. He said we’d go pick up the ring tomorrow. Then he asked to borrow $40 to get it out of pawn. He pawned it when his ex gave it back to him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 235
You deserved it 4 868

Same thing different taste

Top comments

luckypants 17

I hope you didn't loan him the 40 dollars! What a creep (and an idiot for telling you about the ring being at a pawn shop, lol).

twinkiee_fml 0


Erh96 0

what does YDI mean? and wowO~o lol

Op, be glad you found out early what a moron he is. It's your call, but I'd drop his arse!!! 

c8750 2

YDI means you deserved it. I hate when someone asks a ? and noone answers

lol!! I agree with 33 as if you gave him the money

aww, so you basically paid for your own wedding ring :(

thedeepthinker 0

What a bunch of kids, playing mommy and daddy.

wow the flirt has commwnted on almost every single fml ive read, u need 2 get a life.

UsernameHere015 0

wow i would deny the proposal and make the bitch wait til he can get a NEW ring. i wouldnt want no damn sloppy seconds.

kariabernathy 0

so wouldn't that mean you were on here reading comments just as much as him? and wouldn't that also mean you basically just told yourself you need a life? don't be an ass :)

ThugNastys 0

sooooo....whens the wedding?! :D