By 34_22_34 - 28/07/2010 19:27 - United States

Today, my boyfriend proposed. He said we’d go pick up the ring tomorrow. Then he asked to borrow $40 to get it out of pawn. He pawned it when his ex gave it back to him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 235
You deserved it 4 868

Same thing different taste

Top comments

luckypants 17

I hope you didn't loan him the 40 dollars! What a creep (and an idiot for telling you about the ring being at a pawn shop, lol).

twinkiee_fml 0


bighairdontcare 0

woooow I think I hate him.. follow mr @msgreekgoddess

Asstastic4 0

Hm, sounds like something I would do.

just break up with his cheap ass obviously he doesn't care about you enough to buy you a new ring with his own money

sallen0046 4

You were completely aware of the type of man you agreed to marry. You also didn't break off the engagement when you knew for certain this was his plan. It's absolutely, without a doubt, your own fault.

Oh gosh, your boyfriend is so cute :D and stupid :P

So he is broke, in case you didn't notice, there still is an economic crisis going on. He might be really short on funds. Instead of bitching about it you could just say you don't need a ring, save the both of you a lot of trouble.

Unless they're already living together, they probably shouldn't get engaged right now if he's that broke. On average, you should plan to spent 2.5-3x more a month as a married couple than you'd spend living single. At least, that's what I was taught before I got married. Besides, it might not be about the price of the ring at all, but the history of that particular ring. They could just buy a new $40 ring, or at least a secondhand one unassociated with his ex. I wouldn't be happy with his ex's old ring, and I DGAF about price.

That suck op....i think you should dumb him and get a new bf. One that will actually buy you a new ring....