By 34_22_34 - 28/07/2010 19:27 - United States

Today, my boyfriend proposed. He said we’d go pick up the ring tomorrow. Then he asked to borrow $40 to get it out of pawn. He pawned it when his ex gave it back to him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 236
You deserved it 4 868

Same thing different taste

Top comments

luckypants 17

I hope you didn't loan him the 40 dollars! What a creep (and an idiot for telling you about the ring being at a pawn shop, lol).

twinkiee_fml 0


They only loaned him $40 for the ring? That's some cheap-ass shit in the first place... besides you getting the hand-me-down.

yasmeenjonasx3 0

ydi for allowing yourself to be his second choice .

83pgm 0

It's not too late to changeyour mind about the engagement.

956chika 0
956chika 0
956chika 0

But he obviously doesn't love his ex anymore... that is all over.

Sorry i meant to say: But he obviously doesn't love his ex anymore... that is all over. Sure, it's a hand me down ring from her... but i'm sure he's poor so can't afford anything else. If you're bitching it's from his ex... he is over her [if not, then obv you can't marry him..]! It's not what the ring used to mean but what it means now. If you're bitching it's cheap... you should know he's poor, you know he can't afford anything/ or is a cheapskate. If not maybe you should get to know him better...