By 34_22_34 - 28/07/2010 19:27 - United States

Today, my boyfriend proposed. He said we’d go pick up the ring tomorrow. Then he asked to borrow $40 to get it out of pawn. He pawned it when his ex gave it back to him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 235
You deserved it 4 868

Same thing different taste

Top comments

luckypants 17

I hope you didn't loan him the 40 dollars! What a creep (and an idiot for telling you about the ring being at a pawn shop, lol).

twinkiee_fml 0


If you asked a gay (queen) senior cleric (bishop) to retrieve it at night (knight), you'd almost have a complete chess set. Ooh! If the clerk is Korean and wants to look (rook), there's another piece...

Who cares if it's over? Giving your new fiancee something that used to be your ex's is just plain bad taste. I don't think that a lot of women would want a constant reminder of their husband's ex on their finger for the rest of their life. I know I wouldn't. I'd rather just forget about the ring altogether. And think twice about marrying a guy that thought it was okay to give me his ex's engagement ring.

blahzz 4

And you're considering marriage to such a loser?? If you guys don't have any money, keep your pants up and go get a career!

xImAPlaYeR3x 0

did anyone think that maybe he is low on cash and can't afford a real ring. but ya he's a dumbass for telling her

Dennis2525 0

It's Me I Was The Turkey All Along

You should have taken the signs into consideration. YDI

Tomaino 3

I agree with the many who say this was a tacky move on his part. No, you're not selfish for wanting a ring that didn't belong to his ex. No, you're not selfish for not wanting to loan him cash for a ring. If he was going to propose he should have done so when he had his own cash to get a ring. Obviously he was asking for a loan, so he was going to have the money again soon. He could have waited until then. If the issue was that he didn't have more than $40 to spend on a ring, that's not an issue. My fiance proposed with a beautiful, 10k white gold ring with a beautiful cream colored pearl and real diamond accents. It's stunning, and he got it on eBay for $35. He did want to get something more expensive but this ring is perfect for me and I didn't want anything else. So, no, this isn't worth dumping your boyfriend over, but definitely worth having a discussion. And don't take that ring. Have him sell it and get you a new one that was purchased with you in mind, not someone else.