By mahanaaa_23 - 19/12/2012 20:47 - United States - Honolulu

Today, my boyfriend of 6 years proposed to me. Less than 3 hours later, he panicked and made me give the ring back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 816
You deserved it 4 397

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Should have said "no take backs". Number one rule of the playground!

jem970 19

Im sure he will get over it soon OP, don't lose hope. He probably just realized his life will change drastically and he just flipped out for a lil bit. It will be ok!


Are you kidding me? How do you not expect downvotes with this post?

jem970 19

Congratulations for being first. Why dont you do something NOT totally predictable and stupid next time this rare opportunity arises?

I'm trying to figure out how you pronounce your awws, aww...wuh. Doesn't sound right to me /:

LuckBeNimble 19

49- perhaps she speaks with a Southern drawl? Foghorn Leghorn-esque, but less manly and more human.

jem970 19

Im sure he will get over it soon OP, don't lose hope. He probably just realized his life will change drastically and he just flipped out for a lil bit. It will be ok!

If he's not sure after 6yrs and, even worse, has a reaction like that after the decision HE made to get serious...maybe it's time to move on?

Is that situation really a basis to move on. Perhaps he didn't think it all the way through and became way too afraid. They've been with each other for so many years already and the fact that he attempted at least means its in his mind. OP probably needs to talk things out with him and he'll come around again. Not sure why FML com enters feel it's OK to just jump ship.

Or he asked the wrong gf then realized his mistake

He seems very indecisive OP, perhaps he may not be ready for marriage.

You've got a Boomering. That's 24 carats of Lie-mond.

I can understand on how he did it. People usually don't like big changes in their life's.

If he doesn't like big change why propose in the first place? OP's boyfriend is probably just an idiot.

Nerves are understood but take back the ring? That's some anxiety right there!

KM96 24

Maybe he did too much over thinking!!! Let him have some time to sort out his thoughts and talk to him about it :)

Should have said "no take backs". Number one rule of the playground!

perdix 29

I'm surprised he bought a ring at all. After 6 years, he would think that his "free milk" came in a lifetime supply.

Assume much? Maybe they've been together since they were 16 and he didn't want to get married too young, maybe not. Maybe he comes from a divorced family and he wants to make sure that doesn't happen to him, maybe not. There are a lot of possibilities, but 6 years isn't really THAT long when you want to make a (hopefully) life-long commitment.

Ok, I'm ready for the thumbs down on this one... 28 - I'm aware of the "possible" joke, but because it is so cliche, it was not likely 38 - No, I'm not new to FML, I just don't comment incessantly.

LuckBeNimble 19

44- did you just say the possibility of a joke ON THIS WEBSITE was not possible? oy vey!

No. He or she said that because it was such a cliché the joke was not _likely_.

44 - You took a Perdix comment seriously. That screams "I'm new here".