By A bit cowardly? - 19/05/2019 20:00

Today, my boyfriend of two years asked his friend to propose to me for him, because he was too nervous to do it himself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 102
You deserved it 257

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I can understand being nervous to ask however he needs to buck up and do it. Hopefully you said "only if HE asks ME, not ask someone else to do it for him."

God I hope you said no. that really is pathetic.


Boyufd 24

i mean sucks for you but he might be afraid you're going to say no

God I hope you said no. that really is pathetic.

You ever stop to think that this dude may be socially anxious, a little bit awkward, terrified of rejection and could be under a lot of pressure and maybe that's why he got his friend to propose, instead of doing it himself? Not everybody is blessed with charisma and social aptitude.

He wasn't ready to propose then. If you have to send your friend to propose because you're nervous about your partner saying "No." then you aren't ready to be married. You aren't comfortable being open with the person you claim to want to spend your life with.

perhaps not, but I'd wager a guess a marriage in which the two people can't talk to each other, won't likely work out

He thinks he's ready to be *married* to this person and "social anxiety" is a reason to not propose himself?

WeirdUS 29

You gotta stop smoking. Every time you post you seem even dumber than the last time. You seriously sound stupid.

I can understand being nervous to ask however he needs to buck up and do it. Hopefully you said "only if HE asks ME, not ask someone else to do it for him."

And now you’re engaged to the friend who has balls?

Bill Lee 3

Why this would happen, I can do it by myself, just need a girlfriend now

I hope you and his friend has a long and loving marriage :D

tbh, proposing was the scariest thing in my life

WeirdUS 29

OP dump him, but YDI how do you stay with a guy for 2 years that gets that nervous I'm sure there were signs before hand.

edwardcullenisme 6

That should insinuate to you how much he loves you!