By nickyy - 29/11/2009 02:11 - United States

Today, I learned it is best not to let your cordless mouse die while secretly watching porn right when your mom walks in. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 478
You deserved it 31 419

Same thing different taste

Top comments

L2Alt F4, windows button D, or even Alt Tab. YDI for being computer illiterate

lonewolf2701 0

there should be a **** watching class, i declare myself a teacher, rule one: never watch **** parents home :p


L2Alt F4, windows button D, or even Alt Tab. YDI for being computer illiterate

All possible with the left hand, coincidence?

Kingdutch 3

#13 smells a complot theory! Good one! :D

That's how microsoft has designed it :P

it's not YDI because he's computer illiterate, it's a YDI because he was jacking off in a situation where his mom could just walk in

ctrl w is easier ;) except it closes the tab not the window but if you have one tab open it'll close the browser

antonioohama 0

Ever heard of F11 (Fn+F11 on laptops) or Cmd+Tab?

Emchilo 0

YDI for being that desperate to look up ****, and for having a battery powered mouse p.s. try a mouse with a chord next time

A mouse with a CORD ¬_¬ Not a chord.

How DARE people use technology that actually makes things easier, like not having cords cluttering your desk. The worst I've had happen to me is my mouse dying while I'm in the middle of playing video games.

Fools! I use a mouse with a chord. That way, I can rock out while surfing the internet and laughing at the comments around me! :D

Aggriken 0

yo dawg, i herd you like chords so i put chords in your mouse so you can fap while you rock.

69, is your username justinbeiberislame? it goes into ... on my phone. if it isn't the above username, or any other derogatory phrase for Justin beiber, then you fail, and you can burn. well, not really. but I will feel sorry for you.

lonewolf2701 0

there should be a **** watching class, i declare myself a teacher, rule one: never watch **** parents home :p

rule number two: if you have to break rule number one for any reason, lock the god damn door

Rule 3 if you don't have a lock, GO TO THE BATHROOM. Easier to clean up too XD

jordypaige11 0
willowTM 0
Jimbo2000 0

Oh wow. you got caught looking at ****. Big deal.

sbaldivia 0

ALT + F4 man closes the whole page.

aboutagirl_17 0

haha my mom would kill the shit out of me,if she ever found me looking at ****.

That made no sense. How does someone "kill the shit out of" someone else?