By wellthatsawkward - 30/12/2011 06:35 - United States

Today, my boyfriend came over for the first time to meet my family. The night consisted of my sisters hiding in a tent and chasing us around in it, my parents singing songs from 'The Lion King' opera-style and throwing cheese at him. Pretty sure he's freaked out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 496
You deserved it 4 347

Same thing different taste

Top comments


mom2pen 4

I'm stuck on the tent thing, how many sisters and were you IN the tent with them or did they pick the tent up and run with it? Either way, hilarious! I'm sure he's hoping to stick around for more family fun. Are you LDS?

trippythehippy 6

I had the same thoughts. Now I'll be stuck on that all day

If he did leave, the next time u c him u should throw some cheese in his face! XD

beebeeL 1

I would have SO much fun meeting your family! I understand that first time meeting the folks can be somewhat nerve wracking, and for that you have my sympathy. But I think you deeply under-appreciate just how wonderful it is to have a family who can have a laugh and act like children. I'd gladly meet more people like them every day than those who have forgotten how to have fun.

Why would he be freaked out? They seem to be very accepting of him to act that way in front of him. I'd feel welcomed.

Savage_mane 4

Sounds a lot like my ex gf. Damn we had some good times, and a lot of em were like this. If he was freaked out, you boyfriend is going to be dull :p

mschack24 1

Better than my first time meeting my boyfriends parents. His mom yelled at me the second I walked in. His whole family hates me.

That's a pretty big sounding tent. But I bet he loved it! I know I would.

Little sisters being funny and silly, and mum and dad having a bit of craic and singing seems fair enough, but why were they throwing bits of cheese at him? It sounds like fun for the most part but I think I'd be a bit annoyed if people were continuously throwing things at me..? Just saying..