By wellthatsawkward - 30/12/2011 06:35 - United States

Today, my boyfriend came over for the first time to meet my family. The night consisted of my sisters hiding in a tent and chasing us around in it, my parents singing songs from 'The Lion King' opera-style and throwing cheese at him. Pretty sure he's freaked out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 496
You deserved it 4 347

Same thing different taste

Top comments


HelloCaleb 4

The Lion King rules. You should be proud. I would! :D

keshaforever1 14
XxM3MphizxX 6

Lol... Awsome family kinds creepy them singin the lion king opera style but kool :) i need some cheese to throw

If he can't handle a weird but awesome family then it's not going to last. He's probably not worth your time.

omg_kristina 4

I'm waiting for someone to say MLIA. that is really cool! :P