By wellthatsawkward - 30/12/2011 06:35 - United States

Today, my boyfriend came over for the first time to meet my family. The night consisted of my sisters hiding in a tent and chasing us around in it, my parents singing songs from 'The Lion King' opera-style and throwing cheese at him. Pretty sure he's freaked out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 496
You deserved it 4 347

Same thing different taste

Top comments


tnt227 4

Who are you kidding OP? You (and your boyfriend) must've been having fun and actively participating if you were in the tent in the first place allowing your sisters to chase you around. Your family sounds fun and I doubt he was freaked out.

If he really likes you he will stick around and can I please meet your family?

xXRazelleLuniiXx 9

Sounds like fun to me. I'm sure he had a good time. If not he must be boring and probably a waste of time.

Everyone has a crazy family; it's better he sees the worst now.

You're family is chill. He should be glad he found a girl with a family who won't hate on him.

xXRazelleLuniiXx 9

Seriously though, he should feel lucky! My boyfriend's parents are really uptight and last time I went over, they wouldn't even talk to me, and when they did, it was super awkward! I would love it if my significant other's family was like that... but nope. They like to stare at me like I'm an intruder at the other side of the dinner table.

ValerieStar 5

You have a gifted family. ;) So badass!!