By Username - 27/06/2011 08:56 - United States

Today, my boyfriend came before I'd even unbuttoned my pants. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 474
You deserved it 7 763

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DudeImBetter 0

you better not tell his friends or he'll say you're a ****, plus it was you're fault you were rubbing his butt, he's just very sensitive some would say it's a plus.


you need a man. not an inexperienced boy. just sayin...

Experience has nothing to do with it #360, perhaps hes been without for a month or hasn't seen you for a while, the build up could make this perfectly justifiable, besides he'd of been ready again 20min later, maybe sooner. Solution if its recurring is to talk about it, if all else fails buy numbing condoms.

experience has everything to do with it. if he were experienced then it wouldn't have mattered how long it's been since he's had some. he wouldn't have gotten all nervous and blew his load.

speedgay 0

Sounds like a sexual dysfuntion to me. Premature ejaculation much?

wkyle1 0

what do you look like? lol maybe your too hot for him

hateevryone 14

like maybe he watched **** before ya'll had sex

Clozzie 0

i think she meant she was going to m*****bate ....