By Username - 27/06/2011 08:56 - United States

Today, my boyfriend came before I'd even unbuttoned my pants. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 472
You deserved it 7 763

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DudeImBetter 0

you better not tell his friends or he'll say you're a ****, plus it was you're fault you were rubbing his butt, he's just very sensitive some would say it's a plus.


SirObvious 1
Megadeth72 0

you must be really hot then

dinosaurRAWR3 0
bf123 0
secerodylan1 0

you must be really hot haha

xx5pid3rmanxx 3

you must be sine kind of hottie id like to meet you

muffinlizzie 7

Either you're just that hot that he couldn't handle it or he fails. If it's the first one, maybe you could wear a paper bag over your head, at least until the pants are off =P. Otherwise he just needs to learn how to control himself a little better.

SupEr_JaY 4

your probably really hot, or your so bad in bed he decided to do it himself