By notsohot - 25/08/2019 00:01

Today, I showed up at my boyfriend's house with nothing under my coat but some sexy lingerie. He told me he was working on an assignment, and made me wait three hours before he'd have sex with me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 325
You deserved it 2 285

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TxKitten79 10

He knew he had school work, and honestly that's more important.

at least hes responsible and cares about his future


thats when you should have showed him a peek and responded with "your loss" then heade home

EmDizzle2007 28

Because being a mature adult means dropping everything for his girlfriend? My wife would totally understand and wait if that were the case. Getting further ahead in studies and thus a successful future is such a bad thing.

TxKitten79 10

He knew he had school work, and honestly that's more important.

i mean cmon. ydi because he had work. and thats more important

at least hes responsible and cares about his future

Alup132 22

Why do people think they’re so entitled and that their S.O. should drop everything or not do something important just because they wanna have sex?

bl3ur0z3 17

Omigod! He handled an important responsibility before allowing you to distract him? You must dump him. Find a guy who deserves you. One who won't let responsibility get in the way of putting his penis inside you.

You’re lucky you got lucky after three hours! With the unannounced pop-in, there’s a chance you could be shown the door.

Maybe save the spontaneous sex for when you live together, and you can be sure he's not busy.

tounces7 27

What you need to do is find yourself a loser with no future. He'll be right for you.

You need to be more understanding and supportive.