By Damn_her - 05/03/2009 00:04 - Canada

Today, my wife and I were driving to the gas station, she let me out before she pulled up to the pumps because I had to buy some things from the store. I returned to see my wife proudly filling the tank. Smiling, she told me that diesel was cheaper than regular gas. We don't own a diesel car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 79 342
You deserved it 8 781

Same thing different taste

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Here in America, we have much larger nozzles for diesel gas, so that people like your wife cannot put diesel in their cars. The nozzle will not fit into the tank. Only cars with diesel engines have holes large enough to stick the diesel nozzle in.

Oh dear God. :( Strangely diesel is more expensive here in the UK.


Oh dear God. :( Strangely diesel is more expensive here in the UK.

soccerchick829 0

sorry, but diesel is ALWAYS more expensive than regular gas. nice try for the fml though. id say that was more of a FAIL, than an fml. loser.

that's a lie, diesel is almost a dollar cheaper per gallon where I live

King_of_Kings 3

a year and a half ago, here in Boston, diesel was cheaper than the gas. thats when gas prices were beyond rediculousely high. now adays, diesel is more expansive. with that said, he could be telling the truth about diesel being cheaper.

Diesel is cheaper in a lot of countries in Europe (eg France). Taxes tend to be lower on it for some reason.

That guy could be french, diesel is cheaper overthere, don't flame #2 How not to say stupid jokes about women after reading that story ? :P

soccerchick829 0

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#2/#6: It's not. You're an ignorant moron. 'Nuff said.

diesel is ALWAYS cheaper than regular gas here in germany!

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