lackadaisy_leah - 15/05/2013 16:12 - United States

Today, I posted a Facebook status about how I hoped to spend the rest of my life with my boyfriend. A couple of hours later, I saw a comment on it saying he'd never done anything bad enough to deserve that kind of torment. Thanks, mom. FML
46 440
9 118


OP here. My mom is super awesome, and it was actually really funny. I just thought sharing it with FML would be fun. :) As far as the status, it wasn't an attention thing, I was just remarking on an elderly couple I saw walking the mall and wanted to post about it. The bit about my boyfriend was just an add-on.

alliewillie 22

alliewillie 22
thatsucks4you 7

Haha your mom is funny. Just got to learn to take a joke :)

rg350dx 29

How do you know #1's mom? Book club? Supermarket? BDSM dungeon?

rg350dx, your profile pic and comment...damn I'm gonna have nightmares...

I thought the same exact words. You are awesome!

fishstick557 14

That's what you get for basically bragging about your relationship on Facebook

Hear hear. A statement like that should have been to told straight to the bf. They already have a method for publicly stating you want to stay together forever - it's called a wedding.

mrperspire 4

That is a great joke by mom, People take jokes way too seriously these days.

Oh come on, OP. I'm sure it was just a joke.

I swear our generation is overly sensitive

I honestly could see myself doing this to my daughter, but only if I really liked the thought of the marriage. If I had any reservations, they would be discussed in private, not on Facebook.

33, I couldn't agree more. Humor seems lost and very few people can take a joke, apparently.

PhishloverA 14

#74, if you read OP's comment she said her mom is super awesome and she found it funny what her mom said. So all of you people telling OP it's just a joke, no shit

Pstraka6 20

Your mom is just pulling your leg

klovemachine 24

I hope the boyfriend has a good sense of humor :-D

Who doesn't love a mom with a great sense of humor!?! High five to your mom for being awesome!

rt567 15

hopefully it was just humor.