By Ann - 18/06/2009 19:40 - United States

Today, I went to the store to buy some groceries. While I was at the store, an employee came up to me and said, "You're beautiful!" When I came home I told my husband what had just happened. My husband then asked, "What was wrong with him?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 550
You deserved it 5 480

Same thing different taste

Top comments

okay ? he could've meant why would a random man come up and call his wife beautiful ? chill.

So your husband married you for your personality??? At least you've got both. Looks and personality. That's rare. You should be happy.


So your husband married you for your personality??? At least you've got both. Looks and personality. That's rare. You should be happy.

ndanick 4

Now thats a real my kudos to u for getting a hard ass

i'm sure he meant that as in "why would he say that out loud suddenly?" or maybe he's joking?

doglover100 28

Maybe he took it as random people hitting on her. I don't know.

okay ? he could've meant why would a random man come up and call his wife beautiful ? chill.

STVader 0

yeah that's what I interpreted it as. Random people hitting on married people is kinda weird, I'd ask what's wrong with him too at first.

He could of meant what's wrong with him as in he believes there's nothing wrong with him since his wife is truly beautiful.

Dante167 0

Agree with #4. He couldve been joking too. OP quit overeacting...this isnt an FML

i agree with #4...your husband's comment didnt mean that you are not beautiful, so please try to be understanding of him :)

i agree. i was thinking the same exact thing, like why would he just come out of nowhere with that anyway? saying "whats wrong with him" is actually a reasonable response depending on how you mean it.

Guess your husband wants some sex, then.

Uhh? How is this an FML at all? My boyfriend says "What's wrong with him?"all the time when I tell him the creeps are lurkin'. Your husband means it like, "What an ass."

That is so true!!! OP, stop being so paranoid

Your husband probably thought the guy was being creepy.

beaniebabe 0

He was probably just referring to the fact that a complete stranger said that

Singularity_fml 0

Uh, my boyfriend doesn't appreciate RANDOM STRANGERS who hit on his gf, so I'm pretty sure your husband doesn't appreciate it either.

That's what I thought. If it was a close friend or something and he said that then this would be an FML. But since it was just some random guy, there is nothing wrong with his comment. Pull the stick out of your ass OP and stop being so goddamn sensitive.

woww maybe he didnt mean it like the way it sounded :(