By Angie - 12/09/2015 21:34 - United States - San Francisco

Today, my boyfriend broke up with me and filmed it, because it would "be a big hit on YouTube." FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 232
You deserved it 1 984

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Normally I would try to say something funny, but that just sucks. You're better off without him

wat an asshole... you're better off without him


This could constitute cyber bullying if you don't consent to having this uploaded. He screwed you, but you could get him into trouble big time as well!

Did he break up with you because you punched him in the face when you were sleeping?

They should have a special feature for the reverse/the-other-side FMLs. Even fake connections often make hilarious ideas.

What a douche. You're definitely better off without him.

This obsession with publicizing every little aspect of our lives for "fame" is really getting sick. If you want to be famous, do something wonderful, not shitty.

Wait wait wait. did you just say that on fml? a site used for publishing everyday shittiness for fame? seriously a site where you receive sympathy via people's enjoyment over how much your life sucks? and clearly you have an account so you can't find the method all that sick.

FusionPlacebo 26

Kick him in the nuts and say you "did it for the vine".

Badkarma4u 17

Do girls really think that if you kick a guy in the nuts hes not going to do anything to you? Thats a good way to get a man to hurt you.

Sounds like a jerk. You're better office without him!

That typo made me smile. :) We could all use a better office.

Wow! Your ex sound like a right ass hat. By the sounds of it your better off without him.