By Out of Ice Cream - 29/09/2015 17:06 - United States

Today, my boyfriend broke up with me. He did it over Snapchat because he said he didn't want to hear me sad over the phone and wanted to save data. Three years down the drain. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 349
You deserved it 2 191

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I am just go ahead and put it out there, your ex is a jerk and a pussy for breaking up via snapchat. If that is his way of breaking up after 3 years, then you deserve way better. Sorry OP

I'm so sorry, OP. Nobody deserves to be broken up with over the phone, especially if you've been together for 3 years....


aidenmccarthy03 8

I am just go ahead and put it out there, your ex is a jerk and a pussy for breaking up via snapchat. If that is his way of breaking up after 3 years, then you deserve way better. Sorry OP

What a coward. OP you deserve so much more. Breaking up through Snap chat?! Even breaking through call is cowardly. If he gave a shit about you he would have done it on person and attempted to comfort you even if you didn't want his comfort.

BlueHorizons 8

Completely agree. Three years is still a long time to be in a relationship though. OP may have had little indication that anything was amiss and may have been hoping that the relationship would continue indefinitely. Telling her that he's a dick and she's better off isn't likely to help much.

You took the words right out of my mouth.

Both ways are cowardly. How about in person and give your companion of three years the respect of hearing your feelings in person. Sorry op.

I didn't think there was a worse way to break up than over Facebook...I was wrong.

Us humans are always looking to out do ourselves. I'm sorry for your breakup OP.

Should have been in person. Or over Skype for a LDR. Sorry OP.

I'm so sorry, OP. Nobody deserves to be broken up with over the phone, especially if you've been together for 3 years....

I was with my Girlfriend for five years. Every September like clock work I get a phone call that she is breaking up with me. Normally a month, two at the most goes by and she calls and I fall back into the roller coaster ride of a relationship. Not this time. I deserve far better then that. Shit I deserve a break up face to face but not on time out of the many break ups has it been face to face. OP you as well as myself deserve far better then that. I hope you don't dwell on it and are able to move toward and find someone that YOU deserve!!!

He was relating to the OPs situation. Don't be an asshole #63.

thank you #67!! typical ape man answer. must be one of those guys that break up with is girls though snapchat.

Lol please. Quit getting sand in your crotch.

im sorry op guess you could do better but remember you cant make a rainbow without a little rain

ananicosia 28

Or you could use the new snapchat update Sorry about what happened OP ice cream and girls only nights are a good way to get over bad breakups

I can't stand when guys treat their girls like shit, especially after 3 years. Sorry op, you deserve so much better