By Angie - 12/09/2015 21:34 - United States - San Francisco

Today, my boyfriend broke up with me and filmed it, because it would "be a big hit on YouTube." FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 232
You deserved it 1 984

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Normally I would try to say something funny, but that just sucks. You're better off without him

wat an asshole... you're better off without him


How could OP even remotely deserve this…?

It'd get more dislikes than Justine Bieber's "Baby" music video.

Well at least he wont bother you anymore.

It concerns me how quickly people suggest for a female to retaliate with violence. The reverse would never be tolerated. Did OP deserve this? No. Should she punch, kick, bite or slap the bloke? Also no.

Oops, accidentally pressed YDI. Your boyfriend/ex is a jerk that clearly likes to play w your emotions

"You're better off without him." Can I get top comment now?