By Angie - 12/09/2015 21:34 - United States - San Francisco

Today, my boyfriend broke up with me and filmed it, because it would "be a big hit on YouTube." FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 232
You deserved it 1 984

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Normally I would try to say something funny, but that just sucks. You're better off without him

wat an asshole... you're better off without him


I'm sorry you had to go through all that... everything will be okay

Punch him in the face. People will like that even MORE on YouTube. Because everybody likes to see an Asshole get punched in the face. On a more serious note...Sorry this happened to you OP. But you're better off without this prick.

And I thought my ex was a huge asshole, I'm so sorry OP. Please don't take him back as he clearly has no respect for you or your feelings. WTF is wrong with people these days?

Yeah, it will be a hit. The Internet will crucify him for being such an asshole. I think it is way safe to say you're better off now. I'm sorry he decided to hurt you like that.

If he does post it couldn't you report him for posting something of you without given permission?

That's insensitive of him. What's he's expecting? A million hits or something. What a dumb jerk