By Angie - 12/09/2015 21:34 - United States - San Francisco

Today, my boyfriend broke up with me and filmed it, because it would "be a big hit on YouTube." FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 232
You deserved it 1 984

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Normally I would try to say something funny, but that just sucks. You're better off without him

wat an asshole... you're better off without him


Can we see a link? We don't want to be cruel, frankly I just want to know so I can flag the shit out of that

Actually she would be charged with assault

Budda39 2
Budda39 2

Well not to be the ******** here but.... Was it?

skehar 23

I hope you made it a big hit by punching him in the face.

missk82 6

What a douche. You deserve better than him.