By anonymous - 25/03/2016 22:19 - United States - Manchester

Today, my boyfriend and I decided to have sex for the first time, the one day my period came early. He thought it was a sign from God and thinks we're going to hell. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 782
You deserved it 3 200

Same thing different taste

Top comments

A reaction like that would suggest he is not ready to have sex.

Ah and the satanic waterfall strikes again.


FrustratedFrank 12

its not unusual or uncommon that sex right before or right after your period can cause a bit of bleeding similar to that of your period. its something that ive unfortunately learned through several experiences...

That's true and stuff. But from my understanding OP's boyfriend didn't even get it in?

i gotta say, im impressed with the lack of anti-christian comments here, bravo.

a period don't stop nothing but a sentence

Period sex is not bad. Try laying some old towels down to protect the bed sheets. It can help with cramps. Also, although not very romantic for the first time, the shower is a less messy place to do it during that time.

I feel so sorry for people who were raised to fear hell and feel shame and guilt for everything because of "God". Fire and brimstone religion is emotional child abuse. Makes them have irrational complexes when they are older.

This happened to a friend of mine but her boyfriend kept on going, what a savage ahaha.

Build his confidence. Tell him he's such a stud hrs banged that pussy till it bled

I think you should both start seeing other men.