By sad associate - 19/12/2016 01:51 - United States - Bastrop

Today, I swung my arm with a product in my hand, and the product flew out of the packaging and hit an old lady on her head. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 848
You deserved it 1 423

Same thing different taste

Top comments

it could have been worse at least you weren't holding a *****


it could have been worse at least you weren't holding a *****

It could have been! The OP is being very secretive about what the "product" is.

#2 - You forgot about the hospital report, where the doctor writes down that you have ***** induced concussion and it stays in your medical records FOREVER.

This whole FML sounds like the star of very niche **** trying to explain their most recent film without using explicit language.

I don't like multiplication. Would have been better if you had a difference!

This FML swings you closer to a lawsuit. Sorry I hadta

At least people know you're a passionate worker!

Let's be honest, here; you were swinging a light sabre around, weren't you?

I hate when that happens! Seriously hope she wasn't too mad though!!