By Anonymous - 05/12/2010 00:39 - United States

Today, my boyfriend confessed his desire to have sex while I'm on my period. He calls it "bloody victory." FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 318
You deserved it 5 929

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least he isn't making her feel disgusting for having a bodily function that she can't even control. Minus his creepy name for it, the fact that he can embrace something about her that most girls are ashamed of just shows that he has a more open mind. Besides, it could just be considered extra lube. As long as he isn't wanting to go down on her then. That would weird me out.

xXBlAcKxWiDoWXx 0


stewpididiot 11

I think your boyfriend is Edward Cullen

#5 but that would make him gay. he must be playing to much cod. this reminds me of onetimr after an intense cod sesh my wife made a noise behinde and I tried to knife her.

Or he could be really adventurous and take his clothes off for sex.

Why would there be blood on his clothes? Do you often have sex while clothed? I tend to find that being nekkid works better. And in this situation, I assume the shower would be the best location to pursue "victory."

Alright, I admit my logic was a little messed up (Sorry it's 3AM here) but I still don't get why he would want to have sex with a girl on her period. Girls have mood swings, and experience pain. Add sex and a little bit of blood and I'd say you've got a pretty bad combination.

Actually having sex while on your period can help with cramps. He gets to have his fantasy, she gets to have less pain. Shower sex can be uncomfortable, so laying Don a towel would be a good way to be conscious of the sheets while still having fun. Also, I can't see what I'm typing so I hope it's legible.

yummyhound 0

I though blood and sex were usually a pretty good combo...add some chocolate and dayum. lol :)

lol^ ballistic knife or throwing knife? :)

agreed 5 I decided whenever a vampire is about to eat me and I happen to be menstruating I'll be like "Wait! I'm on my period!" ... pleasure for both!! :D

cod 4 is the best of all time no doubt. 5 was -_- 6 was -___- and 7 is OKAY in my book lol.

4= best 5,6= -___--____- 7= okay in my book lol

wow i would write that twice. first time my comment didnt go threw hadd to type it again.

Sad thing is, one of my friends calls it earning your "red wings" and actually sounds proud of such a feat.

Battledog5006 0

I'm with u bro cod4 all the way I'm actually playing it now lol

uh huh. interesting. well. have sex all over the house and then invite someone you want to prank it'll look like someone was murdered!!! omg yay maybe I should it. or not.

xlossofmex 0

60- it's really not that gross unless they have a really heavy flow. Do it in the shower and you don't even notice. Or put a towel down and don't look down. Im told that it doesn't feel any different. Or you can wear a condom. I don't know about any of you but sometimes I don't want to wait four days for some fun.

The problem is not about 'gross/not gross', I'done it and it's not a big thing ! Just, don't do it with your mouth, I think that would be bad !!! No, the point here is: this guy WANTS to do ESPECIALLY this, and even got a name for it ! I mean, COME ON !!

I think the funny thing is that while this FML is rather feminine, the guys immediately start talking about "call of duty"....

I agree with 41. Activision basically shit out every Call of Duty game after 4.

all of the people that are saying which CoD is better keep in mind that there many ppl with no games like that my case: Parents wont cooperate when i HAVE THE MONEY I SAVED UP.

FOR PEOPLE WHO DONT KNOW WHAT JEWBAN IS: no it doesnt not mean jew ban like ban all jews!! it means a jewish cuban lol

Isn't it funny that people are talking about cod and women smell like fish on their period

my friend says hes earning his red wings.. he has 3 sets so far equaling 15 girls. He likes it to the point hes getting a tatt of 3 sets of red long as your both comfortable its not that bad! :)

I thought red wings was eating a girl out when she's on her period...

Lelah 0

Ha, your boyfriend is hilarious. It's gross, but hey, at least he has a sense of humor.

If you can walk through mud you can **** through blood! now time to beat up them guts!

mjcdsjf 0

So is the Civil War but I don't want to have sex with it.

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At least he isn't making her feel disgusting for having a bodily function that she can't even control. Minus his creepy name for it, the fact that he can embrace something about her that most girls are ashamed of just shows that he has a more open mind. Besides, it could just be considered extra lube. As long as he isn't wanting to go down on her then. That would weird me out.

Undead1992 0

not even dick that's jus gross. not cute at all

Thumbs up for Aliaskis. OP, are you complaining? Why? Don't you know how many girls are outside, almost non-stop taking the pill because their boyfriend doesn't dare to touch them if they're on their period? It has taken one damned year for me before my partner became more mature and dared to have intercourse with me on the last days of my period. Before that year he was like 'Eeeeew, one single drop of blood, eeeew, how absolutely disgusting, eeeeeew, dirty dirty dirty'. How sexy did that made me feel. You are one lucky bastard.

Actually, if she wants to control it she can take the birth control lybrel. That's what I do. If I'm consistent with it I never experience a period in my life.

erica08 0

um... I'm not ashamed of my period but I still find it gross. it's just not my thing lol

yah I would be scared. I've had my period for a month now. and I'm taking birth control. some birth controls are wack! ladies: before u pick which bc u want to get, do a little research to find out which one is the best for you.... just saying :P

sugarbear0727 19

The best sex is when you're in the middle of your period. It feels amazing and you ****** a lot faster, and it's more intense.

fritz2 0

who doesn't love free ketchup.

I literally laughed out loud at your comment

lol omg I nearly died of laughter after I read this comment

leelee_DGK29 0

what a strange fetish. Good luck OP

GimmeSunglasses 0
baby610 4

okay what dies "original poster" mean? sorry I'm a bit behind on this kinda stuff

xXBlAcKxWiDoWXx 0

^ This isn't a "oh wow your life sucks" moment. Especially considering that he opened up to you about a fantasy of his that is quite easy to fulfill. I also couldn't see how you could possibly deserve it. "Yeah! YDI for having a period in the first place!" That wouldn't even make sense.

Undead1992 0

That's what you call the next Ted Bundy. watch out!

ktrose 0

7- So, what's with your other comment?

ceejster 0

agreed it actually OS awesome for the girl you feel is 10x better

It's really not that bad. It's a little bit gross when he pulls out and the condom is bloody, but that's just minor and the rest feels so much better.

purplebutters 7