By anonymous - 25/03/2016 22:19 - United States - Manchester

Today, my boyfriend and I decided to have sex for the first time, the one day my period came early. He thought it was a sign from God and thinks we're going to hell. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 782
You deserved it 3 200

Same thing different taste

Top comments

A reaction like that would suggest he is not ready to have sex.

Ah and the satanic waterfall strikes again.


Sk8brdmenace 17

Uhhhh... WHAT? Lol! That's f'ed up

And how does that make that a relevant meaning?

cheshireau 26

Hahaha this happened to me when I was 16. It's not Gods work, it's the Uterus work

You both are too immature to be having sex by the sounds of that.

That's why they call it the devils fountain.

DeadxManxWalking 27

and sex outside of wedlock wouldn't?

Okay it sounds like the boyfriend is worrying about sex before marriage and therefore is not ready for sex. Just because he believes in hell does not make him immature, for the record, fear of hell and not being sure whether it is ok (in God's and the church's eyes) to have sex out of wedlock can be a big worry. And in terms of the period being a sign, a lot of christians think that little things happening are miracles or signs from God (e.g. finding something that was lost, someone providing help when they really needed it, healing bones, opening the Bible to the exact page you wanted it etc.) and sometimes people will see little things as a bad sign of God's displeasure (e.g. car not working or having a bad feeling) and if you are already scared that you might be sinning (especially sex before marriage as it is drilled into some people from a young age that it is a sin and it is a very conscious and definite act), then something like the period starting early could certainly be taken to mean a sign. I hope OP can support her bf and help him through this/respect his decision if he wants to wait until marriage. But if his beliefs begin to seriously interfere with his mental health and cross the border into extremism or mentla health problems then I would suggest getting him some help.