By Michelle - 27/12/2009 07:13 - United States

Today, my boyfriend told me he likes having sex during my period because it makes him feel like he stabbed a small animal to death. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 565
You deserved it 4 784

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I got no problem with the activity, but his reason for saying he liked it is seriously ****** up and you should dump him before he becomes a serial killer.


Andrew1122 0

I think you should get him some SERIOUS help.

Who the hell has sex during their period if your not trying to get pregnant?!?! It has to look horrible! And the smell... oh god... blood coming out of a ****** does NOT smell good...

it is better for cramps and the ****** is way more intense.

maxschagerstrom 0
n_epic_fail 14

why the hell are u having sex during Ur period?

528Alice491 3

...that's really effing creepy. Who the hell wants to stab a small animal to death with there penis?!

Next time, take the blood and make lines under your eyes, telling him it makes you feel like an Apache warrior.

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uhmmmmm ..... isn't that how Jeffery Dahmer got his start.... with small animal stabbings!!

Eww!!! That's nasty! No offense OP, but your boyfriend has serious issues.

abbttmc 12

My response after someone says no offense: I'm offended

I got no problem with the activity, but his reason for saying he liked it is seriously ****** up and you should dump him before he becomes a serial killer.