By blower - 11/04/2011 04:01 - United States

Today, my boyfriend actually remembered our anniversary. Not our anniversary of being together, which he forgot last month, but the anniversary of him getting his first blow job from me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 849
You deserved it 9 302

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well look on the bright side i bet it was a good bj for him to remember the aniversary

*faceplam* Boys...please...for the sake of all us proper men...grow a brain and stop thinking with your junk!


in his defense, you weren't in a committed relationship with him till you put your mouth on his genetils... so he did remember

why do people celebrate months? it's so weird

They aren't celebrating months. If you actually read it, it says that the first time she gave him a bj, it was a month after they got together. It was probably their one year last month and she's upset he forgot.

And that's when you find someone better who doesn't give a shit about bj anniversary he is a ****** idiot DUMP HIS ASS NOW and also find someone with a bigger dick cuz I'm sure he is that big but shhhh nobody's suppose to know that HAHA

I don't understand people, why would someone want a penis in a mouth cause it would be just wrong for someone to kiss you, you would have his penis and his semen in your mouth.

MrPacMan36 4

should have given it to him on the first date. hed kill two birds with one stone.

You don't actually think the semen stays in her mouth do you

zourwolfe 0

at least he remembered something.. XD would you like him to forget everything altogether?

excuse him for only remembering the important things In life

MrFancy 0

Should have given him the BJ on your anniversary of being together. That way he would have had a much better chance of remembering it!

well look on the bright side i bet it was a good bj for him to remember the aniversary

Jayymz24 0

haha! there you go! so it's not all that bad OP!

I guess he cares more about blow jobs than about you. Did he get you a present?

really 9? she said it was an FML because he forgot the anniversary. can you really blame a brotha for remembering something so wonderful? not every guy in the book likes sex just because it feels good. some actually understand that when they receive something like that, it's special. all kinds of wonderful emotions come from it, not to mention it feels good. as for you, I think you've never had that or ever realized that. truly upsetting for you and... try to look at the glass Half full next time.

MrGold 0

He came to surprise you. How nice. XD

I agree, your life sucks... In more ways than one :p (Haha. Me clever :p)

doing something horrible to him to make him remember.

cldean24 4

Will what? Finish your sentence.

Zombieslayer1 0

I totally agree the it sucks.