By faeliality - 18/04/2016 08:39 - United States

Today, my boss called me and asked why I haven't been showing up to work. I didn't show up because he fired me last week over the phone. Then he fired me again for not showing up to work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 759
You deserved it 1 355

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So you should probably go to work tomorrow or you'll get fired a third time next week!

Your boss is dumb. Don't take the second time getting fired as an offense. FYL and go into work and get fired a third time :P


So you should probably go to work tomorrow or you'll get fired a third time next week!

They probably have one of those love/hate relationship..thing....

Your boss is dumb. Don't take the second time getting fired as an offense. FYL and go into work and get fired a third time :P

Rule of Threes dictates it will happen again soon

MikaykayUnicorn 36

I thought it was third times the charm? Maybe OP will get hired next time.

I've actually experienced the good side of the rule of three. The wins were small, but in one month I won a door prize for an event I was invited to last minute, a free fries from McDonald's Monopoly game and a free rib dinner on my favorite restaurant's Facebook page.

Goblin182 26

Are you sure you want to count the free mcfries as a win?

I hope you didn't let your boss fire you and hang up. Correct your boss, don't go too crazy, because if you need the boss for a future reference, but always stand up for yourself.

If he's fired OP twice, I don't think he's going to be a great reference.

No, he won't be a great reference. But, the OP could've been fired for any number of reasons, and as long as they didn't have a personality conflict with the boss, they may still give them a referal. If the boss won't then I hope the OP let their ex-boss have it.

On the plus side, you'll get paid that week an additional two weeks after he fired you the second time, right?

Maybe he was using a double negative and wants you back.

ezrajab 22

Show up tomorow resume and all and say I am the intern you fired yesterday what's my new job description