By Anonymous - 14/06/2010 23:39 - United States

Today, my boss told me I was fired 3 weeks ago because there was no money to pay me, meaning that I worked the last three weeks for free. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 367
You deserved it 3 054

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Belief_fml 0

How is that not illegal? The boss thing I mean.

There was no money to pay you? Umm...Darling, I don't see that business lasting much longer.... So sorry all this bad luck piled up on you in one day.


There was no money to pay you? Umm...Darling, I don't see that business lasting much longer.... So sorry all this bad luck piled up on you in one day.

actually u lost them 3weeks apart and lol no1

Belief_fml 0

How is that not illegal? The boss thing I mean.

Yeah, it's definitely illegal. Sue his ass!

It is most definitely illegal. Contact the attorney general in your state. They go after employers who don't pay employees.

Lisimal 7

You reminded me of Debbie Downer, or whatever that character was called.

lucious_mama 0

definitely can't be legal... they HAVE to tell you, right?

itz_towelie 6

this reminds me of office space were the guy got fired, and no one tells him. luckily it was only for 3 weeks with you OP

YouAreAllIdiots 0

that sucks man i would hire a crackhead to take care of that

gusgus36 5

those both seem illegal, definitely... I would think the boss is required to tell you when you're fired, and it seems illegal to be a tenant without a lease... but on the bright side, the job part reminded me of the guy in office space

Actually, "no lease" is basically a month to month and they can tell her she has to be out at the end of the month. A lot of states have to give a 30 day notice though.. but possibly not hers.