By killme.jpeg - 18/04/2016 01:04 - Netherlands - Wassenaar

Today, I scored the number of a cute girl. I gave her mine as well, just before leaving the bar. As I waved her goodbye, I attempted to do a cheesy "call me" gesture with my thumb and pinky finger, and winked. For a reason unknown to me, I ended up flipping her off. I still winked though. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 165
You deserved it 6 708

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kirbo2 21

Explaining your mistake will give you an excuse to call het

Mistakes happen OP, call her and tell her it was an innocent mistake. Good luck OP!


Mistakes happen OP, call her and tell her it was an innocent mistake. Good luck OP!

kirbo2 21

Explaining your mistake will give you an excuse to call het

I guess that bird flew away. Sorry, OP. I'm sure explaining the situation will fix it :)

I'm sure she thought it was an accident!

randomman55555 11

If she is "the one", she will forgive you. The middle finger isn't the worst insult in todays culture.

I'm sure even "the one" would be shocked if you flipped them the bird right after taking their number.

rag97 6

Prolly what she'd say to you once she got to know you loser

Ouch, that sucks. Might be able to save it though. That wink might have helped you out

DeadxManxWalking 27

was it like thumb and middle finger in the shape of a phone or full on flip off?

I would have probably laughed and flipped you off in return. Like if we'd been chatting enough to give you my number id see it as a joke/silly.

danimal_crackerz 26