By Jobless - 13/08/2009 01:47 - United States

Today, my 16 yr old cousin needed help making a job resume so I give him mine to see as an example. He changed my name to his and it got him a job right away. The sad part? I handed my resume out to about 30 places and I am still unemployed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 973
You deserved it 4 349

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If this isn't fake... Try putting your first initial on the resume, instead of your first name. That way, they won't see your gender in your name, and you might get your foot in the door. I've seen it work for other people... (I'm a guy, though, so that trick won't help me. Sucks.)

Jcataquiz 0

I submitted this FML, and if anyone else is wondering, i wasn't making this up and I'm only 18 years old. haha


I assume you werent appling for the same kind of jobs then...

Don't feel too bad OP... assuming you're close to my age, which is 24, we are among the highest in unemployment right now. It'll all go back to normal once this mistake of change is corrected.

#11, I wouldn't hire you either! Keeping a resume to one page is something you learn in high school. Who in their right mind would have a five page resume and expect to get hired?

The only thing I find suspicious is, doesnt your resume have any references? Or I guess your cousin just changed those too? But it feels like the information wouldnt jive very well. But a 16yo using an 18yo resume doesnt seem implausible.

I'm sorry OP, that just sucks. I know how you feel - I'm 22 with over 3 years of management experience with excellent references, impeccable customer service and I was handpicked by the district manager of a multimillion dollar company to do the accounting for a few of the locations. I've also sent out my resumé to upward of 30 places. No one's written back and I just applied at a *movie theater*. Don't think I'll hear back from them either. It's one of the worst times in American history to be finding a job, we're all feeling it. Best of luck though!

magicsparrow 0

*sigh* A 5-pg resume is acceptable for someone with a lot of experience -- I'm talking 15+ years of REAL job experience. The resume in this case wouldn't be bulleted "Managed inventory" crap -- we all know that means you stocked candy at the movie theater. A resume that long documents real accomplishments, typically in paragraph form, with examples. 5 pages is a bit long, but if you're applying for a senior management level position, they WANT to know what you've accomplished and what you're capable of. As for the 18-30 range, keep it at 1-2pgs, max. Make sure, if you are a US citizen, to include that near the top if you're applying for a sensitive position (some engineering, administration jobs). For jobs you include, try to think of something you accomplished that stands out. Maybe you suggested a new way to market your products, or increased customer retention rate with new signs or employee-customer recognition (aka, getting your co-workers to remember customer names and be cordial). If you have any kind of statistics or #s to put on there, do it! For high schoolers and recent HS grads, have a short listing of relevant courses to the job for which you're applying. For college kids and recent college grads, include any relevant organizations you were in, your GPA, and important projects. :)

A resume is strictly 1 page. If you need to go into that kind of detail, put together a CV.

goodlookinat15 0

people who post long comments are dumb asses

I'm not sure how people think "30" places is enough these days. With the internet and everything, you need to send your resume to 100-200 places to even stand a chance (since that's what other people are doing). There are even services out there that'll spam your resume onto dozens of job listing sites and whatnot. Unless you have connections at a company you're applying to, you're competing against hundreds of other people for a single position.

Your cousin is 16, I'm sure you could get the same type of job that they just got, probably retail or some restaurant. Lower your standards and you'll have a job in no time! :P