By Jobless - 13/08/2009 01:47 - United States

Today, my 16 yr old cousin needed help making a job resume so I give him mine to see as an example. He changed my name to his and it got him a job right away. The sad part? I handed my resume out to about 30 places and I am still unemployed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 973
You deserved it 4 349

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If this isn't fake... Try putting your first initial on the resume, instead of your first name. That way, they won't see your gender in your name, and you might get your foot in the door. I've seen it work for other people... (I'm a guy, though, so that trick won't help me. Sucks.)

Jcataquiz 0

I submitted this FML, and if anyone else is wondering, i wasn't making this up and I'm only 18 years old. haha


then again woukd you hire a guy named john smith or mike rotch? haha im just kidding but maybe his job sucks and pays bad

That sucks. Hopefully karma will come back to haunt him when his employers expect him to have experience in all the things on YOUR resume.

when his boss finds outs he's been lying, he's in for a real big deep shit!

Jcataquiz 0

i'm 18, & just started college. I'm not applying at some fancy ass job or whatever & i only worked at a couple of clothing stores in the past, so my cousin can easily use my resume.

Call his boss and send him your resume and while you're at it, your other bosses' phone numbers so he can check you're telling the truth.

5 page long resume? No wonder you aren't getting hired. You know they spend downwards of 30 seconds reading your resume before they decide to place it in the cylindrical file or set up an interview?

But how could the boss have believed the resume? Surely it would say some things the cousin couldn't possibly have done? FYL either way

winemysavior 4

wow that sucks. im surprised they believed him! Actually this incident was a psychological study sometime ago. Can't remember who did it but a resume with a female name was sent to some places. Later on the same exact resume but with a male name was sent to some places and it turns out that mostly males were hired. really interesting. But really sucky for you =/

youre older thn him right i mean, how can he just change his name on your resume.. that doesnt work. but anyways maybe he just applied for a job at a fastfood outlet or sthg

Jcataquiz 0

i'm only two years older than him, and he did change my contact info with his..