By nojob - 07/05/2009 19:15 - Canada

Today, I was desperately handing out resumes. I came to my local grocery store and asked for a job application, the customer service rep told me all she needed was my resume. I smiled and gave it to her only to see her read it, laugh and put it straight in the garbage as I walked out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 144
You deserved it 4 471

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Life's a bitch... you shouldn't worry, besides you don't wanna work in a place with workers like that. =/

You may want to revamp that resume of yours. There are government programs that can help you with that, youth centers, job connect, etc. Or google resume layouts and sell yourself (I know your mom told you not to, but as long as it's on paper and not the corner, you should be good)


Well, do you have any qualifications at all? How old are you? Etc.

trust me, the customer service rep was doing you a favor, working at a supermarket is worse than not having a job... especially when your in 11th, and smarter than half of your superiors...

just so you know that's illegal, you can sue them

Life's a bitch... you shouldn't worry, besides you don't wanna work in a place with workers like that. =/

You may want to revamp that resume of yours. There are government programs that can help you with that, youth centers, job connect, etc. Or google resume layouts and sell yourself (I know your mom told you not to, but as long as it's on paper and not the corner, you should be good)

tresicle 4

Maybe you misspelled the word "resume."

simplewhimsy 0

Give that sucker a revamp! Chin up!

You should go to an unemployment center in your area. If not to use thier services for job search, then at least let them read over your resume. You'd be suprised at what should or shouldn't be written on them :P

its actually illegal for an employer to throw out someones resume, especially in front of them!

when life gives you lemon, make lemonade?

How is anyone of legal age to work not qualified to stock shelves/run a register/retrieve carts/unload a truck at a grocery store? 0.o