By Jobless - 13/08/2009 01:47 - United States

Today, my 16 yr old cousin needed help making a job resume so I give him mine to see as an example. He changed my name to his and it got him a job right away. The sad part? I handed my resume out to about 30 places and I am still unemployed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 973
You deserved it 4 349

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If this isn't fake... Try putting your first initial on the resume, instead of your first name. That way, they won't see your gender in your name, and you might get your foot in the door. I've seen it work for other people... (I'm a guy, though, so that trick won't help me. Sucks.)

Jcataquiz 0

I submitted this FML, and if anyone else is wondering, i wasn't making this up and I'm only 18 years old. haha


Perhaps your cousin was giving it out to like, fast food restaurants and you were going for pickier choices...

elizacandle 29

This is a shining example of the pratiarchal society we very much live in. You're a woman and he's a man.

Did he even have all of the same qualifications as you?

You should go to his workplace and tell his boss, that douche dosent deserve a job

It's because he is younger and they don't have to pay him as much.