By dumpedattheclub - 28/03/2009 03:40 - United States

Today, me and my girlfriend went to the club. The song "Single Ladies" by Beyonce came on; the DJ came on the mic and said "Single ladies raise your hands!" My girlfriend raised her hand. FML
I agree, your life sucks 66 975
You deserved it 7 274

Same thing different taste

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If you two are not married, then technically, she IS single. And if you don't want her to be single, then you ought to put a ring on it!

As long as she doesn't try to kiss another boy (or boyS) you're quite safe.. It's just a song


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tsim_fml 0

no thats what he gets for not saying "my girlfriend and i"

I agree the club scene is beyond stupid

You mean "that's" what he gets. You may be a grammar nazi but you need work on your punctuation good Sir.

threer 30

Grammar altogether, actually...

As long as she doesn't try to kiss another boy (or boyS) you're quite safe.. It's just a song

Look at the name "dumpedattheclub" DUMPED at the club

Jschro14 0

My girl loves that song and it makes me laugh every time I hear it too. Not really FML though. She was just into the song.

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the song is about marriage so yeah, in the context of the song, shes single.

You're an insecure manchild, she is having some fun at a club, she's not blowing some guy in front of you

Jbiebs82 0

Everyone thinks your insecure.. and not an fml.. IT'S NOT AN FML!! She was havig fun!

If you two are not married, then technically, she IS single. And if you don't want her to be single, then you ought to put a ring on it!

no not true if you are in a bf gf you are in a relationship so yeah go check your reasoning.

mathewneill 0

ryguy you totally missed the point.have you got no sense of humour?

skizzlerz 0

actually yes she is technically single. at weddings they ask for all single women to catch the bouquet, and women with boyfriends are included in that.

badddninja 0

does she know shes ur girlfriend?

PoopNuggetLeader 4

Lol, I believe people did not understand your joke.