
By Nyah Murphy - 05/12/2017 19:00

Today, I fell asleep for 20 minutes during my first final in law school. I took a $70k loan to be here. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 165
You deserved it 5 041

Same thing different taste

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70,000 reasons to make sure you’re well-rested and alert; an extra $5 for coffee or an energy drink might protect the 70K.

TeachAllTheMath 19


70,000 reasons to make sure you’re well-rested and alert; an extra $5 for coffee or an energy drink might protect the 70K.

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TeachAllTheMath 19
Mungolikecandy 19

You felt asleep! I am certain there is a crime somewhere there.

Were you very stressed and took these extra measures everyone is saying but still feel asleep? If yes, you may have narcolepsy. I didn't realize I had it until I had a high stress work day where I fell asleep walking to a meeting.

Felt feel....fell fall asleep. Standard in law school is slipping these days.

You’re not improving the general opinion of lawyers ... learn to spell. YDI.

There weren't any spelling mistakes in OP's post.

I’ve heard of lawyers falling asleep in the courtroom. I just never knew you were trained to do that!

Hey, worst case you can sue the law school for not making you a good enough lawyer. Then, if you're not a good enough lawyer to win, maybe you'll win!

There is a Harvard graduate who tried suing Harvard because she couldn't land a job she wanted.

going to law school and u cant spell fell... i think u got worse issues then falling asleep.