By Anonymous - 20/05/2009 15:42 - United States

Today, me and my co-workers were playing with the Helium tank we got today. We were all giggling like little girls for the better half of 15 minutes. I don't know what is more sad, that a bunch of guys were sucking helium instead of working, or that the youngest guy in the group is 43. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 097
You deserved it 15 161

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mrhahn530 0

I plan to continue that behavior until i die...


I think this is awesome. **** anyone who says you're too old to have fun.

#20, 24, 33 All 3 are right, this is NOT an FML. All this is is something you did to waste time at work, and all you're doing is complaining about not being young enough for this to be appropriate behavior..I moderate FML's which are waaaaaay better than this one and never get through. F your life because you didn't have to work and got to play with helium? I dont think so.. And like someone else said on another FML, we need a "so what?" button

cprompt 0

Helium does NOT kill brain cells in itself. The real risk breathing helium instead of air, and therefore causing asphyxiation. People playing with helium generally do not inhale helium with every breath, so it has about as much risk as holding your breath for a few seconds. I did this at work too. It was fun. I'm 25.

dare4distance_fml 0

i just signed up for this, mainly just so i could comment this to tell how it made me smile &i think it's cute. haha(:

That would be cute if it wasn't so dangerous. Inhaling too much helium can most definately cause brain damage, but you can actually die from it. In fact, I know someone who was sucking helium out of a tank, took too much, passed out, and now has a scar on their forehead from the impact of his head on the tank. He could have easily died. Drink / inhale responsibly, kids!

i totally agree with 35, and 20 and 24. i moderate them and there are some GREAT ones...but they never get through. this does? i don't get it. it makes me want to stop going here, honestly.

Tangostarr 0

Are you kidding?!?!? You're NEVER too old to have that much fun!!! Who says you have to grow up?

I heard that Helium is actually pretty dangerous and can stop your heart if you keep sucking on it, but then again I could be wrong

You were having fun? What's wrong with that? I'm not going to say act your age because you're having fun. Act your age because you worry about what others think.