By Cantswim - 20/05/2009 15:45 - United States

Today, I had to go take swimming lessons because my mom has a fear I'll drown and I'm totally afraid of swimming anyway and never get anywhere near water. My instructor? A high school classmate of mine. My fellow swimming classmates? 5 and 6 year old kids. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 570
You deserved it 9 975

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're in high school and you write like a 4th grader. I think your mom should spend that swimming money on a tutor instead.

you could have said "swimming" a few more times you know


This was written so horribly and made no sense hahahaha. Epic fail.

who the **** cant swim by the time they are in high school?

I can't swim and I'm only 18 >.> I have problems with my body that wouldn't allow me to swim deep water. Plus I nearly drown at the public pool ._.

you could have said "swimming" a few more times you know

ombrelle 0

So shouldn't you be old enough to refuse wanting to take swim lessons? and who cares if you don't know how to swim or are terrified of the water... why do people make big deals out of nothing?

if you're in high school, you should be over four feet tall, yes? 75% of pools are only four feet deep (excluding public pools). Just stand up!

hazelkee 0

most pools aren't four feet there like 6 feet.

Don't you mean five feet? Nobody in high school is 4 feet tall...

141 - Unless you're a midget. And there are people who are under five feet who are in high school and are adults.

You're in high school and you write like a 4th grader. I think your mom should spend that swimming money on a tutor instead.

Swimming is a basic skill that everyone should master - but there should be beginner classes for people your age.

Shoulda taken swimming lessons yeeears ago to gain early confidence and get used to it you get be embarrassed.....YDI

Join the military. They'll make sure you learn to swim. On a side note: I find it somewhat ironic that I'm listening to "Into the Ocean," while reading this.

Cheatx 0

wow just stop whining and learn to swim. Sounds like the 5-6 yr olds are more mature than you

manonthemoon3 4

Have you ever heard of a phobia?

Does your mom have a late-onset fear that you'll drown? Shouldn't she have been more afraid when you were little? My local Y has classes for adults who never learned to swim.