By Anonymous - 20/05/2009 15:42 - United States

Today, me and my co-workers were playing with the Helium tank we got today. We were all giggling like little girls for the better half of 15 minutes. I don't know what is more sad, that a bunch of guys were sucking helium instead of working, or that the youngest guy in the group is 43. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 097
You deserved it 15 161

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mrhahn530 0

I plan to continue that behavior until i die...


OP. Awesome, obviously not an FML, but really happy you shared. I was wondering how old the OP was, initially i thought MAX 25, but laughed my ass off and pictured my 40 yr old boss doing the same thing. Funny as shit, thanks for sharing. Everyone getting mad that this isnt an FML....shut the **** up, stop taking this shit too seriously. Its FUNNY!!

hahaa i didn't expect the youngest to be 43, ,,lmao

This writer is an idiot. Me and my co-workers =/= My co-workers and I, more sad should be sadder. And it isn't an FML, plus it's his fault, how is his life ****** up?

Seti_fml 0

I wish I had a helium tank. I could actually enjoy myself for years speaking squeakily.

This_Guy 0

Do we really need to harp on people's writing? It's the internet, if you're able to understand it then it should be good enough. It's not like he's writing a report to his boss or anything. But of course that's just how I feel. But anyways, on to the actual topic. OP is awesome, I intend to buy one of those tanks sometime and do the same, along with some sulfur hexafluoride. Why? Because of this legendary link:

The only sad thing is that you look at the little moments in life and think of them as a waste. YDI.