By Anonymous - 20/05/2009 15:42 - United States

Today, me and my co-workers were playing with the Helium tank we got today. We were all giggling like little girls for the better half of 15 minutes. I don't know what is more sad, that a bunch of guys were sucking helium instead of working, or that the youngest guy in the group is 43. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 097
You deserved it 15 161

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mrhahn530 0

I plan to continue that behavior until i die...


I agree. Not sad at all. :) I think it's great you can still act like a kid every now and then.

sceneteasex3 0

well, at least work wasn't so boring. besides, it shows you have a sence of humor. ;D not a FML.

#32: "Also, #29 - it does kill your brain cells, and could injure your vocal chords, but I don't think it would kill them unless they had a LOT of it." I won't address the brain cells thing since others have, but helium does NOT damage your vocal cords (a cord is a length of string, a chord is 3 or more notes played in harmony). The reason your voice changes is because sound travels much faster through helium, thus changing the timbre of your voice. It does nothing to your vocal cords.

What's wrong with having fun? I hate these FMLs of people having harmless fun with friends, espectially when the embarassment factor was so low to begin with- it only gets worse with posting it on, not better.

Today, I got embarrassed by doing something awesome if not socially appropriate. I had fun but society told me I shouldn't do it, so I went on FML to give society a win by feeling guilty for enjoying life. FML

Chuck3791 0

That's awesome. Not an FML. Bravo! =]

@26, better watch out or the FML police are gonna come and getcha! I got warned earlier today for criticizing a bogus/lame FML because omg, that ruins the readability of this site. Because lame FMLs don't ruin it, just my pointing them out. *rolls eyes*

Op nothing is wrong playing around like little kids. :) Some of us need it once in a while.

raginazn_67 0

haha YDI because that definitely sounds like fun